What I have to offer you! Please don't hesitate to ask for clarifications!

Massage Therapy: Either Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy or Classic Swedish Massage.

You let me know what you need. I will always tailor my massage work specifically for you. 

Did you spend the weekend rock climbing and shooting rapids in Virginia? May I suggest Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy with trigger point work. 

Did you just finish a week long reboot of your personal financial records and look after a 3 year old and a 6 month old? A Swedish Massage may be just what you need to work out those balance sheet/baby squealing  blues!

Always let me know how the work feels for your body. As I've written elsewhere I believe strongly that painfully deep pressure isn't necessary to achieve a release. That kind of pressure can actually cause injuries in sore overworked muscle and connective tissue and be emotionally stressful. I can feel the tissue release when it is engaged with an appropriate amount of pressure. Let's work together to help you be your best! 



Koren Specific Technique (KST)

KST is a breakthrough approach to bodywork!

With KST you receive gentle, specific corrections to your soft tissue structural system and mind-body. Many corrections are done with you standing, sitting, moving or lying down. 

KST practitioners are specifically trained to locate and address hidden stresses that cause imbalances. Overall physical and mental/emotional issues are often associated with pain, weakness, loss of energy, disfunction, and dis-ease (stress) of all types.

KST is very gentle but powerful. Most clients notice dramatic changes from the first session. The body typically holds its corrections for a much longer time with KST than other types of bodywork. KST permits us to quickly and gently check and address your stresses/interferences wherever they may arise.

KST stands alone perfectly, but also pairs well with CranioSacral Therapy and works well with massage therapy.

What can KST help with:

  • Spending too much time sitting at that computer screen?
  • Too much time in the kitchen bending over pots and pans?
  • Difficulty recovering from that fall during Boot Camp when you were 19?
  • Dealing with PTSD?
  • Did that 100 mile bike tour get the best of you?
  • Did raking leaves, shoveling snow or mowing the grass take a toll?

Set up an appointment and let me show you what I can help you with!

(If you request KST and/or CranioSacral Therapy you will remain clothed throughout the session unless it is paired with massage therapy).

CranioSacral Therapy

"The history of each person is contained within and experienced by their tissues, fluids, energetic qualities and motion". -Dr. John E. Upledger, D.O, O.M.M

CranioSacral Therapy is often referred to as a simple approach to profound work that will help you to normalize the craniosacral system and allow the body to self correct to restore function within the body's systems.

What can CranioSacral Therapy help with:

  • Need space to relax and let your protective walls come down?
  • Boss is on you about a quarterly report...again?
  • Panic Attacks?
  • Breathing Issues?
  • Is life just kind of getting you down with difficulty finding your way forward?

CranioSacral Therapy can help you overcome physical, mental and emotional hurdles from difficult life situations. It takes you on a guided tour of your body/mind and gives you the opportunity to release some baggage and live life in a profoundly better way!

Pairs well with everything! Can stand alone or it is a super duo combined with KST!

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